tolerance frequency

英 [ˈtɒlərəns ˈfriːkwənsi] 美 [ˈtɑːlərəns ˈfriːkwənsi]

网络  容限频率; 允许频率; 容限频率,允许频率; 容计频率,容限频率; 容计频率容限频率



  1. Fault Tolerance Design of Frequency Conversion and Velocity Modulation Multi-CPU Control Computer System
  2. This demodulator can demodulate OQPSK signal in coarse conditions and has large tolerance on the signal conditions of E_b/ N_0, the frequency error of the carrier, the phase error of the carrier and the clock.
  3. A Method to Simulate Effects of the Tolerance Deviation in TS Parameters of Drivers to the Loudspeaker System Frequency Response Curve
  4. For the frequency offset tolerance study, the BLER performances with different MCSs and different offsets are studied here, and then according to the results of simulations, we get the metrics of the frequency offset tolerance. Two kinds of frequency offset estimation are introduced.